To replicate the following tutorial, you can find the replication code & data here: R script & Tutorial Data in R Environment form.

General Overview of ggplot Tutorial

The basic logic (& relative advantages) behind the ggplot coding interface can be summarized in the following key points:

In this tutorial, I will provide an applied tutorial to understanding the logic of the ggplot language while completing the following tasks:

  1. Plotting descriptive distributions of key variables (histograms, density plots, bar charts, dot plots)

  2. Plotting simple bivariate relationships of interest with appropriate measures of uncertainty around estimates (scatterplots, difference of means bar charts, boxplots)

  3. Plotting model quantities of interests that provide for a graphical interpretation of our empirical work rather than tables. We will make coefficient plots articulating model output, plots articulating interactive relationships of interest, and post-estimation plots of interest (predicted probabilities from a logistic regerssion, marginal effects plots).

  4. Basic preview to graphic add-ons to ggplot which provides for spatial mapping and plotting of social networks.

Plotting Descriptives

For this example, let’s tackle a problem plaguing the nature of ideological representation and congruence between the mass public and their elected elites (see Achen’s (1978) critique of the infamous Miller & Stokes (1963) study as a primer on the methodological problem). Let’s start by loading, exploring the data, and walking through some examples of plotting describtive data.

library(ggplot2) # Load ggplot2
library(plyr) # Loaad plyr, which provides tools for summarizing data
library(readstata13) # Load readstata13 to read Stata Files
library(dplyr) # Loaad dplyr, which provides tools that I always use, like as_tibble
library(reshape) # Load reshape, which provides for the melt function needed for data manipulation.

load("/Users/caalgara/Desktop/carlos_school/PhD_UC Davis/Dissertation Project/Ch2_Electoral_Implications_Approval/Aldrich_McKelvey_Scaling/Aldrich_McKelvey_Scaling_2008_2016_Positions_Results.Rdata") # Load R environment containing various estimations of candidate & citizen ideological ideal points from 2008-2016.

# Let's explore the nature of ideological preferences in the American electorate over time!

## # A tibble: 262,896 × 10
##    year  case_id year_district_id intercept aldmck_weight_parameter idealpt
##    <chr> <chr>   <chr>                <dbl>                   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 2008  112     2008 NY14           -0.653                   0.218   0.218
##  2 2008  11212   2008 CA23           -2.18                    0.435  -1.31 
##  3 2008  11488   2008 WA8            -0.943                   0.354   1.18 
##  4 2008  11710   2008 MA2            -0.843                   0.281   0.562
##  5 2008  11902   2008 IL10           -3.05                    0.653  -0.435
##  6 2008  12118   2008 MI15           -1.41                    0.326  -1.09 
##  7 2008  12517   2008 CA43           -0.957                   0.261  -0.696
##  8 2008  127     2008 NY22           -1.32                    0.331  -0.994
##  9 2008  1300    2008 CA7            -1.09                    0.326  -0.435
## 10 2008  13717   2008 NC4            -1.09                    0.653   2.83 
## # ℹ 262,886 more rows
## # ℹ 4 more variables: selfplace <dbl>, polinfo <dbl>,
## #   idealpts_linear_map_overtime <dbl>, pid7 <chr>
# Huge data frame of scaled Aldrich-McKelvey ideal points for each CCES respondent from 2008-2016. For more information on the method deriving these scaled ideal points, see Ramey (2016).

# Of course, countless studies suggest that the distribution of ideological preferences of the mass public is unimodal. Let's make a density plot to see if this is the case.


# Not so fast my dude. We have to learn to crawl before we run, what happened?

# Now that we have some knowledge and have to specify our density plot aestic, let's get to work & make our plot!

ggplot(data=rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016,aes(x=idealpt)) + geom_density()

# Success! But there might be evidence that the distribution of ideological preferences might be trimodal. That is, clear partisan cleavages with respect to ideological preferences. Let's explore this possibility by first coding partisan preferences

rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid3 <- ifelse(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid7 %in% c("Lean Republican","Not very strong Republican","Strong Republican"),"Republican",ifelse(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid7 %in% c("Lean Democrat","Not very strong Democrat","Strong Democrat"),"Democrat",ifelse(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid7 %in% c("Independent"),"Independent",NA)))

print(as_tibble(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016)) # Let's check it out
## # A tibble: 262,896 × 11
##    year  case_id year_district_id intercept aldmck_weight_parameter idealpt
##    <chr> <chr>   <chr>                <dbl>                   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 2008  112     2008 NY14           -0.653                   0.218   0.218
##  2 2008  11212   2008 CA23           -2.18                    0.435  -1.31 
##  3 2008  11488   2008 WA8            -0.943                   0.354   1.18 
##  4 2008  11710   2008 MA2            -0.843                   0.281   0.562
##  5 2008  11902   2008 IL10           -3.05                    0.653  -0.435
##  6 2008  12118   2008 MI15           -1.41                    0.326  -1.09 
##  7 2008  12517   2008 CA43           -0.957                   0.261  -0.696
##  8 2008  127     2008 NY22           -1.32                    0.331  -0.994
##  9 2008  1300    2008 CA7            -1.09                    0.326  -0.435
## 10 2008  13717   2008 NC4            -1.09                    0.653   2.83 
## # ℹ 262,886 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: selfplace <dbl>, polinfo <dbl>,
## #   idealpts_linear_map_overtime <dbl>, pid7 <chr>, pid3 <chr>
ggplot(data=rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016,aes(x=idealpt,color=pid3)) + geom_density()

# Urgh, good start but pretty ugly and nowhere close to publication quality. Let's make this prettier by factoring out our pid3 and getting rid of "NA".

rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid3 <- factor(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid3,levels=c("Democrat","Independent","Republican"))

##  Factor w/ 3 levels "Democrat","Independent",..: 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 ...
# Let's make a really pretty plot showing partisan differences.

ggplot(subset(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016,rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016$pid3 != "Independent"),aes(x=idealpt,fill = pid3))+ geom_density(alpha=.2) + theme_bw() + scale_fill_manual("",values =c("blue","red")) + scale_x_continuous("Aldrich-McKelvey Ideological Placement (Liberal-Conservative)",breaks=c(-4,0,4),limits=c(-4,4),labels=c("-4","0","4")) + scale_y_continuous("Density",expand=c(0,0)) + theme(legend.position=c(0.10, 0.90), = "left", legend.key.size = unit(1,"line"), legend.key = element_rect(size = 0, color = 'white'), legend.text.align = 0, = "horizontal") + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

# This is cool, let's do House candidates! First, let's check the data frame.

## # A tibble: 1,900 × 6
##    district placement.dem_pty_li…¹ placement.rep_pty_li…² placement.dem_hse_li…³
##    <chr>                     <dbl>                  <dbl>                  <dbl>
##  1 AK1                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.287  
##  2 AL5                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.115  
##  3 AL3                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.234  
##  4 AL2                      -0.390                  0.816                0.0107 
##  5 AL4                      -0.390                  0.816                0.0506 
##  6 AZ1                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.00825
##  7 AZ2                      -0.390                  0.816                0.0454 
##  8 AZ3                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.246  
##  9 AZ4                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.132  
## 10 AZ5                      -0.390                  0.816               -0.209  
## # ℹ 1,890 more rows
## # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​placement.dem_pty_libcon_placement,
## #   ²​placement.rep_pty_libcon_placement, ³​placement.dem_hse_libcon_placement
## # ℹ 2 more variables: placement.rep_hse_libcon_placement <dbl>, year <dbl>
# Oh no, we have to manipulate the dataframe. Urgh, bummer, but easy!

house_candidates <- subset(aldmck_congress,select=c("year","district","placement.dem_hse_libcon_placement","placement.rep_hse_libcon_placement")) # Extract the variables you want

house_candidates <- melt(house_candidates,id=c("year","district")) # Melt the dataframe from wide to long!

print(table(house_candidates$variable)) # We have one variable with a string variable indicating candidate type.
## placement.dem_hse_libcon_placement placement.rep_hse_libcon_placement 
##                               1900                               1900
house_candidates$variable <- ifelse(house_candidates$variable == "placement.dem_hse_libcon_placement","Democrat",ifelse(house_candidates$variable == "placement.rep_hse_libcon_placement","Republican",NA))

ggplot(house_candidates, aes(x = value, fill = variable,linetype=variable)) + geom_density(alpha=.2) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_manual("",values =c("blue","red")) + scale_x_continuous("Candidate Aldrich-McKelvey Ideological Placement (Liberal-Conservative)",limits=c(-1,1),breaks=c(-1,0,1),labels=c("-1","0","1")) + scale_y_continuous("Density",expand=c(0,0)) + theme(legend.position="bottom", = "left", legend.key.size = unit(1,"line"), legend.key = element_rect(size = 0, color = 'white'), legend.text.align = 0, = "horizontal") + scale_linetype_manual("",values=c("solid","dashed")) + facet_wrap(~year)

# What did we just do?

# We can also assess the validity of our ideal points by looking at the box plot distributions

ggplot(rescaled_overtime_idealpts_2008_2016, aes(x=selfplace, y=idealpts_linear_map_overtime, group=selfplace)) + geom_boxplot(colour = "black",outlier.shape = NA) + scale_y_continuous("Liberal-Conservative Aldrich-McKelvey Ideal Point Estimates",limits=c(-2.5,2.5),breaks=seq(-2,2,1)) + scale_x_continuous("Liberal-Conservative Raw Ideological Self-Placement",breaks=seq(1,7,1)) + scale_fill_discrete(guide=F) + stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point",colour="black", size=2.00, shape= 17) + scale_shape_discrete("") + theme_minimal()

We can also plot descriptives, such as line graphs articulating trends in time. Let’s load some data presidential approval from the great people at the Roper Center and also make a histogram for initial evaluation of our approval data.

approval <- read.csv("/Users/caalgara/Desktop/carlos_school/PhD_UC Davis/Research/Data/American Politics/Presidential_Approval/presidents_survey_marginals_1969_2017.csv")

## # A tibble: 4,075 × 12
##        X Organization    Polling.Start Polling.End Approve Disapprove No.Opinion
##    <int> <chr>           <chr>         <chr>         <int>      <int> <chr>     
##  1     1 Quinnipiac Uni… 2017-01-20    2017-01-25       36         44 19        
##  2     2 TIPP / IBD      2017-01-27    2017-02-02       42         48 9         
##  3     3 CNN             2017-01-31    2017-02-02       44         53 3         
##  4     4 CBS News        2017-02-01    2017-02-02       40         48 12        
##  5     5 Quinnipiac Uni… 2017-02-02    2017-02-06       42         51 7         
##  6     6 Pew             2017-02-07    2017-02-12       39         56 6         
##  7     7 Fox             2017-02-11    2017-02-13       48         47 6         
##  8     8 Kaiser Family … 2017-02-13    2017-02-19       41         52 7         
##  9     9 McClatchy / Ma… 2017-02-15    2017-02-19       41         49 9         
## 10    10 Quinnipiac Uni… 2017-02-16    2017-02-21       38         55 7         
## # ℹ 4,065 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: Sample.Size <int>, president <chr>, year <int>,
## #   approval_measure <dbl>, series <chr>
ggplot(approval, aes(x = approval_measure)) + geom_histogram(alpha=.2,fill="black",color="black") + theme_minimal() + scale_x_continuous("Presidential Approval Polling") + ggtitle("Distribution of Presidential Approval Polling Data, 1969-2017") 

Let’s make a simple figure of presidential approval over time. Note, since we have data that is daily given the polling end date, we have to convert the date variable to something \(\texttt{ggplot}\) can use.

approval$Polling.End <- as.Date(approval$Polling.End)
ggplot(approval,aes(x=Polling.End,y=approval_measure)) + geom_line()

This is a really noisy plot, given the number of polls we have (\(N\) = 4,075). Perhaps we are interested in a single president. \(\texttt{ggplot}\) provides for flexibility in subsetting data for our purposes. Consider the following simple line graph looking at the history of presidential approval during the presidency of George W. Bush.

ggplot(subset(approval,approval$president == "Bush"),aes(x=Polling.End,y=approval_measure)) + geom_line() + ggtitle("Presidential Approval during the George W. Bush Administration, 2001-2009")

Still a little noisy. What we could do is plot this using a series of boxplots by year to see how well George Bush’s approval rating held up over the years.

approval$year_factor <- factor(approval$year,levels=seq(1969,2017,1))
ggplot(subset(approval,approval$president == "Bush"),aes(x=year_factor,y=approval_measure)) + geom_boxplot() + ggtitle("Presidential Approval during the George W. Bush Administration, 2001-2009")

Why don’t we take the mean for each year and fix our line graph? Let’s add labels too to make the plot pretty and distinguish between Presidents.

mean_approval <- ddply(approval, .(year), summarize,  approval_mean =mean(approval_measure, na.rm = T))

mean_approval$president <- ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 1969, "Nixon",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 1974, "Ford",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 1977, "Carter",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 1981, "Reagan",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 1989, "Bush 43",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 1993, "Clinton",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 2001, "W. Bush",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 2009, "Obama",ifelse(mean_approval$year %in% 2017, "Trump",NA)))))))))

library(ggrepel) # Package the allows us to use label repels

ggplot(mean_approval,aes(x=year,y=approval_mean,label=president)) + geom_line() + theme_bw() + geom_label_repel(arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, 'npc')),segment.size = 0.5, box.padding = 0.5,point.padding = 1, size = 3.5) + ggtitle("Presidential Approval from Nixon to Trump, 1969-2017") + scale_x_continuous("",breaks=seq(1968,2016,4)) + scale_y_continuous("Yearly Presidential Approval Rating")

Plotting Bivariate Relationships

While we implicitly plotted a bivariate relationship using the box-plot in the previous example, we can provide more explicit examples for studying bivariate relationships. Let’s use data on the 2016 U.S. House elections to look at the relationship between presidential voteshare and House election voteshare. Also, let’s fit a simple bivariate regression line to see in which districts Democratic candidates underperformed Clinton and which candidates over-performed Clinton. This will be articulated in the residual distance between the individual points and the point-estimate articulated in the regression line. In other words, the distance between the observed value \(Y\) (in this case, the vote share won by the Democratic House candidate) and \(\hat{Y}\) (in this case, the predicted vote share won by the Democratic House candidate articulated in the regression line).

## # A tibble: 25,367 × 15
##     year  stcd state cd    inc        pwin     dv   dvp fr    po1   po2   redist
##    <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>      <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> 
##  1  1900   101 AL    1     Democrati… Demo…  82.7  NA   ""    Amat… Noth… ""    
##  2  1900   102 AL    2     Democrati… Demo…  98.3  83.3 ""    Only… Noth… ""    
##  3  1900   103 AL    3     Democrati… Demo…  80.2  96.9 ""    Amat… Noth… ""    
##  4  1900   104 AL    4     Democrati… Demo…  97.4  54.9 ""    Only… Noth… ""    
##  5  1900   105 AL    5     Democrati… Demo…  67.0  77.9 ""    Amat… Noth… ""    
##  6  1900   106 AL    6     Democrati… Demo…  65.7  69.8 ""    Amat… Noth… ""    
##  7  1900   107 AL    7     GOP Incum… Demo…  51.8  44.6 ""    Qual… Noth… ""    
##  8  1900   108 AL    8     Democrati… Demo…  59.7  84.8 ""    Amat… Noth… ""    
##  9  1900   109 AL    9     Democrati… Demo… 100    83.0 ""    No c… Noth… ""    
## 10  1900   401 AR    1     Democrati… Demo…  72.4  84.6 ""    Amat… Noth… ""    
## # ℹ 25,357 more rows
## # ℹ 3 more variables: dexp <dbl>, rexp <dbl>, dpres <dbl>
ggplot(subset(house,house$year %in% 2016),aes(x=dpres,y=dv)) + geom_point(shape=1) + geom_smooth(method='lm',SE=T,color="black") + theme_bw() + scale_x_continuous("District Two-Party Vote Share Won by the Democratic Presidential Candidate") + scale_y_continuous("District Two-Party Vote Share Won \nby the Democratic House Candidate") + ggtitle("Scatterplot of Democratic House Vote-Share by \nDemocratic Presidential Vote-Share in 2016")

Sometimes you want to add labels to the point scatters, so you can gain more information about outliers. Thus, let’s recreate the scatter plot with district labels and colors for partisan control before the election.

house$dem_seat <- ifelse(house$inc == "Dem Incum v. Dem Challenger",1,ifelse(house$inc == "Democratic Incumbent",1,ifelse(house$inc == "Democratic Open Seat",1,ifelse(house$inc == "Two Democrats, open seat",1,0))))
house$dem_seat <- factor(house$dem_seat,levels=c(0,1),labels=c("GOP Seat","Democratic Seat"))

house$district <- paste(house$state,house$cd,sep="")

ggplot(subset(house,house$year %in% 2016),aes(x=dpres,y=dv,color=dem_seat,label=district)) + geom_text(size=2) + geom_smooth(method='lm',SE=T,color="black") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual("Seat Partisanship",values=c("red","blue")) + scale_x_continuous("District Two-Party Vote Share Won by the Democratic Presidential Candidate",breaks=seq(0,100,10)) + scale_y_continuous("District Two-Party Vote Share Won \nby the Democratic House Candidate",breaks=seq(0,100,10)) + ggtitle("Scatterplot of Democratic House Vote-Share by \nDemocratic Presidential Vote-Share")  + geom_hline(yintercept = 50, colour = gray(1/2), lty = 2) + theme(legend.position="bottom")

What if I was interested in looking at multiple election cycles of interest? Looks look at the pivotal elections of 1974, 1994, 2006, and 2010. Let’s take a look!

ggplot(subset(house,house$year %in% c(1974, 1994,2006,2010)),aes(x=dpres,y=dv,color=dem_seat,label=district)) + geom_point(shape=1) + geom_smooth(method='lm',SE=T,color="black") + theme_minimal() + scale_color_manual("Seat Partisanship",values=c("red","blue")) + scale_x_continuous("District Two-Party Vote Share Won by the Democratic Presidential Candidate",breaks=seq(0,100,10)) + scale_y_continuous("District Two-Party Vote Share Won \nby the Democratic House Candidate",breaks=seq(0,100,25)) + ggtitle("Scatterplot of Democratic House Vote-Share by \nDemocratic Presidential Vote-Share")  + geom_hline(yintercept = 50, colour = gray(1/2), lty = 2) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + facet_wrap(~year,ncol=2) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) # The last part of the code takes out all gridlines.

In the next section, we will explore how to articulate the results of a simple analysis of variance. For this, we will evaluate the nature of differential item functioning (DIF) in citizen perceptions of political candidates and parties. The problem of DIF can be illustrated in the following example in which the ideological placement of the Democratic party might vary by the ideological perception of a survey respondent. For example, a conserative respondent may place the Democrats on the far-left of the scale (at a 1 on the standard liberal-conservative 7 point scale) while a liberal respondent may place the Democrats more towards the center of the scale (at a 3 or so on the standard liberal-conservative scale). While methods, such as Aldrich-McKelvey scaling, corrects for this measurement error and estimates ``true’’ ideological positions of political stimului (see Hare et al. 2016 for further details on this estimation), it is important to empirically atriculate the problem.

For this, we turn to the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study to see if DIF manifests itself in the mass public.

cces <- read.dta13("/Users/caalgara/Dropbox/CCES2016_UCD_original/common/CCES2016.dta",convert.factors = F)
cces <- subset(cces,select=c("CC16_340a","CC16_340d","CC16_340e"))
colnames(cces) <- c("self_placement","hrc_placement","dt_placement")

## # A tibble: 64,600 × 3
##    self_placement hrc_placement dt_placement
##             <int>         <int>        <int>
##  1              3             1            7
##  2              4             1            5
##  3              7             7            1
##  4              5             7            4
##  5              3             2            6
##  6              8             8            8
##  7              7             2            6
##  8              4             4            1
##  9              6             1            5
## 10              5             1            6
## # ℹ 64,590 more rows
cces[cces == 8] <- NA # Recode 8, the missing code, to missing
cces <- na.omit(cces)

sample_means <- ddply(cces, .(self_placement), summarize, hrc_sd = sd(hrc_placement,na.rm=T), dt_sd = sd(dt_placement,na.rm=T),hrc_placement = mean(hrc_placement, na.rm = T), dt_placement = mean(dt_placement, na.rm = T))

z_critical_value <- qnorm(0.975)

x <- data.frame(table(cces$self_placement)) # Retrieve Ns

sample_means$self_placement_n <- x[,2]

sample_means$margin_of_error_hrc <- z_critical_value * (sample_means$hrc_sd / sqrt(sample_means$self_placement_n)) # Get margin of error for HRC

sample_means$margin_of_error_dt <- z_critical_value * (sample_means$dt_sd / sqrt(sample_means$self_placement_n)) # Get margin of error for DT

sample_means$hrc_lower_ci <- sample_means$hrc_placement - sample_means$margin_of_error_hrc
sample_means$hrc_upper_ci <- sample_means$hrc_placement + sample_means$margin_of_error_hrc

sample_means$dt_lower_ci <- sample_means$dt_placement - sample_means$margin_of_error_dt
sample_means$dt_upper_ci <- sample_means$dt_placement + sample_means$margin_of_error_dt

# Let's rework our dataframe to get Trump and Clinton on the same plot

##  [1] "self_placement"      "hrc_sd"              "dt_sd"              
##  [4] "hrc_placement"       "dt_placement"        "self_placement_n"   
##  [7] "margin_of_error_hrc" "margin_of_error_dt"  "hrc_lower_ci"       
## [10] "hrc_upper_ci"        "dt_lower_ci"         "dt_upper_ci"
hrc <- sample_means[,c(1,4,9,10)]
dt <- sample_means[,c(1,5,11,12)]

colnames(hrc) <- c("self_placement","mean","lower","upper")
colnames(dt) <- c("self_placement","mean","lower","upper")

hrc$candidate <- "Hillary Clinton"
dt$candidate <- "Donald Trump"

sample_means <- rbind(hrc,dt)

ggplot(sample_means,aes(x=self_placement,y=mean,ymin=lower,ymax=upper,color=candidate)) + geom_pointrange() + scale_color_manual("2016 Presidential Candidate",values=c("red","blue")) +  theme_minimal() + scale_x_continuous("Respondent Liberal-Conservative Self-Placement",breaks=seq(1,7,1)) + scale_y_continuous("Mean Ideological Placement of Hillary Clinton") + ggtitle("Evaluating Differential Item Function in Citizen Ideological Placement \nof the 2016 Presidential Candidates") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

It’s hard to see the confidence intervals! Let’s do the candidates on by one to see the DIF up-close.

ggplot(subset(sample_means,sample_means$candidate == "Hillary Clinton"),aes(x=self_placement,y=mean,ymin=lower,ymax=upper)) + geom_pointrange() +  theme_minimal() + scale_x_continuous("Respondent Liberal-Conservative Self-Placement",breaks=seq(1,7,1)) + scale_y_continuous("Mean Ideological Placement of Hillary Clinton") + ggtitle("Evaluating Differential Item Function in Citizen Ideological Placement \nof Hillary Clinton, 2016 CCES")

ggplot(subset(sample_means,sample_means$candidate == "Donald Trump"),aes(x=self_placement,y=mean,ymin=lower,ymax=upper)) + geom_pointrange() +  theme_minimal() + scale_x_continuous("Respondent Liberal-Conservative Self-Placement",breaks=seq(1,7,1)) + scale_y_continuous("Mean Ideological Placement of Donald Trump") + ggtitle("Evaluating Differential Item Function in Citizen Ideological Placement \nof Donald Trump, 2016 CCES")

Strong evidence for differential item functioning across respondent liberal-conservative self-placement! This would necessitate the need for method of correctinf for this distortion in left-right scale perceptions.

Plotting Model Quantities of Interest

In this section, we turn to post-estimating model quantitites of interest. First, let’s explore estimating average marginal effects from a simple regression model. We return to our House dataset and specify a pooled vote-share model of House elections from 1900-2016.

## # A tibble: 25,367 × 8
##     year district    dv dpres dem_seat dem_incumbency dem_qual_advantage_tri
##    <int> <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>          <dbl>                  <dbl>
##  1  1900 AL1       82.7  70.1        1              1                      1
##  2  1900 AL2       98.3  65.7       NA              0                     NA
##  3  1900 AL3       80.2  70.8        1              1                      1
##  4  1900 AL4       97.4  63.4       NA              0                     NA
##  5  1900 AL5       67.0  59.7       NA              0                     NA
##  6  1900 AL6       65.7  59.9        1              1                      1
##  7  1900 AL7       51.8  45.9        0             -1                      0
##  8  1900 AL8       59.7  55.2        1              1                      1
##  9  1900 AL9       NA    62.5        1              1                     NA
## 10  1900 AR1       72.4  67.2        1              1                      1
## # ℹ 25,357 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: dvp <dbl>
library(margins) # Load Thomas Leeper's Margins Package

summary(model <- glm(dv ~ dem_incumbency + dpres + dem_qual_advantage_tri + dem_seat + dvp, data=house_elexs)) # Estimate our pooled model
## Call:
## glm(formula = dv ~ dem_incumbency + dpres + dem_qual_advantage_tri + 
##     dem_seat + dvp, data = house_elexs)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -37.895   -5.219   -0.033    5.093   37.075  
## Coefficients:
##                        Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)            23.86608    0.34826  68.529   <2e-16 ***
## dem_incumbency          3.58836    0.25083  14.306   <2e-16 ***
## dpres                   0.25333    0.00514  49.283   <2e-16 ***
## dem_qual_advantage_tri  4.87439    0.14175  34.386   <2e-16 ***
## dem_seat               -1.02107    0.51743  -1.973   0.0485 *  
## dvp                     0.30679    0.00474  64.722   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 64.17284)
##     Null deviance: 5033015  on 17251  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1106725  on 17246  degrees of freedom
##   (8115 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 120763
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
mes <- data.frame(summary(margins(model, change="dydx", vcov.=vcovHC(model, "HC3"))))

Leeper’s “margins” command allows us to look at the average marginal effect of our covariates, in this case incumbency (\(\texttt{dem_incumbency}\)), district partisanship (\(\texttt{dpres}\)), candidate quality ((\(\texttt{dem_qual_advantage_tri}\))), seat partisanship (\(\texttt{dem_seat}\)), and previous district election vote share (\(\texttt{dem_seat}\)). Let’s use \(\texttt{ggplot}\) to create a nice coefficient plot articulating average marginal effects of our key variables.

##                   factor        AME          SE         z             p
## 1         dem_incumbency  3.5883609 0.250843172 14.305197  2.030632e-46
## 2 dem_qual_advantage_tri  4.8743943 0.141756967 34.385571 4.143372e-259
## 3               dem_seat -1.0210655 0.517397022 -1.973466  4.844247e-02
## 4                  dpres  0.2533264 0.005140253 49.282871  0.000000e+00
## 5                    dvp  0.3067922 0.004740174 64.721719  0.000000e+00
##        lower        upper
## 1  3.0967173  4.080004475
## 2  4.5965557  5.152232844
## 3 -2.0351451 -0.006986002
## 4  0.2432517  0.263401143
## 5  0.2975017  0.316082809
mes$factor <- ifelse(mes$factor == "dem_incumbency","Incumbency",ifelse(mes$factor == "dem_qual_advantage_tri","Candidate Quality",ifelse(mes$factor == "dem_seat","Seat Partisanship",ifelse(mes$factor == "dpres","District Partisanship",ifelse(mes$factor == "dvp","Previous District Dem Vote-Share",NA)))))

mes$factor <- factor(mes$factor)

ggplot(mes,aes(x=factor,y=AME,ymin=lower,ymax=upper,group=factor,shape=factor)) + theme_minimal() + geom_errorbar(width=0.2,size=1) + geom_point(size=3, fill="white",position= position_dodge(width=1.0)) + scale_x_discrete("") + scale_shape_manual("",values=c(21,21,21,21,21)) + theme(legend.position="none") + coord_flip() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = gray(1/2), lty = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Average Marginal Effect") + ggtitle("Average Marginal Effect of Model Covarates on House Election Vote Shares")

Of course, election dynamics have changed over time and it may be inapproriate to specify a pooled model. Some work argues that the effect of incumbency and state partisanship, in particular, on House election outcomes have varied as elections move from candidate-centered to partisan-centered contexts. Let’s estimate our model yearly to explore these two specific dynamics, incumbency and state partisanship, and how they vary over time.

mes_yearly <- list()
for(i in seq(1900,2016,2)){
  x <- subset(house,house$year == i)
model <- glm(dv ~ dem_incumbency + dpres + dem_qual_advantage_tri + dem_seat + dvp, data=x) # Estimate our yearly model
mes <- data.frame(summary(margins(model, change="dydx", vcov.=vcovHC(x, "HC3"))))
mes$election_year <- i
mes_yearly[[i]] <- mes

mes_yearly <- ldply(mes_yearly,data.frame) # Unpack the list

##                   factor          AME         SE            z            p
## 1         dem_incumbency  1.501725236 1.26763582  1.184666146 2.361495e-01
## 2 dem_qual_advantage_tri  2.297765264 0.85224960  2.696117725 7.015287e-03
## 3               dem_seat -2.367765474 2.80955169 -0.842755620 3.993651e-01
## 4                  dpres  0.450783378 0.04800085  9.391154388 5.934621e-21
## 5                    dvp  0.456198360 0.04821108  9.462520724 3.006075e-21
## 6         dem_incumbency -0.005740137 2.36512318 -0.002426993 9.980635e-01
##        lower     upper election_year
## 1 -0.9827953 3.9862458          1900
## 2  0.6273867 3.9681438          1900
## 3 -7.8743856 3.1388546          1900
## 4  0.3567034 0.5448633          1900
## 5  0.3617064 0.5506903          1900
## 6 -4.6412964 4.6298161          1902
mes_yearly$factor <- ifelse(mes_yearly$factor == "dem_incumbency", "Incumbency Advantage",ifelse(mes_yearly$factor == "dpres", "District Partisanship",mes_yearly$factor))

ggplot(subset(mes_yearly,mes_yearly$factor %in% c("Incumbency Advantage")),aes(x=election_year,y=AME,ymin=lower,ymax=upper)) + geom_pointrange() + theme_minimal() + ggtitle("Effect of Incumbency on House Election Outcomes from 1900-2016") + scale_x_continuous("",breaks=seq(1900,2016,10)) + geom_smooth(method="loess") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = gray(1/2), lty = 2)

ggplot(subset(mes_yearly,mes_yearly$factor %in% c("District Partisanship")),aes(x=election_year,y=AME,ymin=lower,ymax=upper)) + geom_pointrange() + theme_minimal() + ggtitle("Effect of District Partisanship on House Election Outcomes from 1900-2016") + scale_x_continuous("",breaks=seq(1900,2016,10)) + geom_smooth(method="loess") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = gray(1/2), lty = 2)

Now let’s turn to logits! Let’s extract some predicted probabilities! For this example, we turn to investigating the relationship between income, education, and the probability of turning out to vote using data from the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Study.

## # A tibble: 56,200 × 6
##    weight cdid  turnout contribute income education           
##     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl> <fct>               
##  1  1.61  4           0          0      1 High school graduate
##  2  0.430 6          NA          0     NA High school graduate
##  3  0.819 7           0          0      0 High school graduate
##  4  0.281 3          NA         NA      1 No HS               
##  5  1.34  31         NA          0      8 2-year              
##  6  0.927 9          NA         NA      8 Some college        
##  7  0.379 4           0          0      8 Post-grad           
##  8  0.635 13         NA         NA      7 2-year              
##  9  2.11  20         NA         NA     NA High school graduate
## 10  0.308 8           1          1     10 Post-grad           
## # ℹ 56,190 more rows
# Turnout ~ Education

model <- glm(turnout ~ education, data=resources, weights=weight, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
predict <- data.frame(effect("education", se=TRUE, mod = model, confidence.level = 0.95, xlevels=list(vcov. = cluster.vcov(model, cluster=resources$cdid))))

predict$education <- factor(predict$education,levels=c("No HS","High school graduate","Some college","2-year","4-year","Post-grad"))

ggplot(data= predict, mapping=aes(x=education, y=fit, fill=education)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + geom_errorbar(data=predict,aes(ymin=lower,ymax=upper),width=.25) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_discrete("Voter Education Level") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,1.0), breaks=seq(0,1.0,0.05), "Probability of Turning Out to Vote") + ggtitle("Probability of Voter Turnout by Education Level in the 2014 Midterm Elections") + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0.70,1.0)) + scale_fill_discrete(guide=FALSE)

# Turnout ~ Income

model <- glm(turnout ~ income, data=resources, weights=weight, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
predict <- data.frame(effect("income", se=TRUE, mod = model, confidence.level = 0.95, xlevels=list(income = seq(0,15,1), (vcov. = cluster.vcov(model, cluster=resources$cdid)))))

ggplot(data= predict, mapping=aes(x=income, y=fit)) + geom_line(aes(x = income, y = fit), size = 0.50) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha = .2) + scale_colour_manual("",values="black") + scale_fill_manual("",values="grey12") + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,15), breaks=c(0,15), labels=c("Less than \n$10,000", "Greater than \n$500,000"), "Voter Income") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0.7,1.0), breaks=seq(0.7,1.0,0.05), "Probability of Turning Out to Vote") + ggtitle("Probability of Voter Turnout by Income Level in the 2014 Midterm Elections")

What if we want to specify a logistic regression model positing that the effect of education on turning out to vote is conditioned by income? Let’s explore that in the following code.

resources$education <- factor(resources$education,levels=c("No HS","High school graduate","Some college","2-year","4-year","Post-grad"))

model <- glm(turnout ~ education*income, data=resources, weights=weight, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
predict <- data.frame(effect("education*income", se=TRUE, mod = model, confidence.level = 0.95, xlevels=list(income=unique(resources$income),vcov. = cluster.vcov(model, cluster=resources$cdid))))
##              education income       fit          se     lower     upper
## 1                No HS      1 0.6283484 0.011177917 0.6061895 0.6499804
## 2 High school graduate      1 0.7500554 0.006151676 0.7378055 0.7619176
## 3         Some college      1 0.7583516 0.007480371 0.7433891 0.7727085
## 4               2-year      1 0.7905850 0.011210956 0.7677654 0.8117123
## 5               4-year      1 0.8395945 0.008915404 0.8213420 0.8563085
## 6            Post-grad      1 0.8769348 0.013904029 0.8469924 0.9016978
predict$education <- factor(predict$education,levels=c("No HS","High school graduate","Some college","2-year","4-year","Post-grad"))

ggplot(predict, aes(x=income, y=fit, group=education,fill=education,linetype=education)) + geom_line(aes(x = income, y = fit), size = 0.50) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha = .2) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,15), breaks=c(0,15), labels=c("Less than \n$10,000", "Greater than \n$500,000"), "Voter Income") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0.5,1.0), breaks=seq(0.5,1.0,0.05), "Probability of Turning Out to Vote") + ggtitle("Probability of Voter Turnout by Income & Education Level in the 2014 \nMidterm Elections") + theme(legend.position="bottom", = "left", legend.key.size = unit(1,"line"), legend.key = element_rect(size = 0, color = 'white'), legend.text.align = 0, = "horizontal") + scale_fill_discrete("") + scale_linetype_discrete("")

Among those with no HS diploma, income has a pronounced positive effect on the probability of turning out to vote. For the other education categories, not so much, especially among those with a post-grad. We can also use the code to estimate predicted probabilities for models with categorical dependent variables. Let’s explore this by specifying a multinomial logistic regression evaluating the effect of social network poltiical disagreement on a citizen’s approval evaluation of President Barack Obama in 2016. For this analysis, we will use data from the 2016 UCD & UGA modeul.

summary(model <- multinom(pres_approve_clean_factor ~ dem_pid3 + hetero, data=cces, weights=weight, hess=T))
## # weights:  16 (9 variable)
## initial  value 1815.946406 
## iter  10 value 1210.995962
## iter  20 value 1169.712829
## iter  20 value 1169.712827
## final  value 1169.712827 
## converged
## Call:
## multinom(formula = pres_approve_clean_factor ~ dem_pid3 + hetero, 
##     data = cces, weights = weight, hess = T)
## Coefficients:
##                     (Intercept)  dem_pid3    hetero
## Somewhat disapprove  -0.3887573 0.9131467 0.6499331
## Somewhat approve     -0.5009366 2.0588699 1.0057375
## Strongly approve     -0.8641273 2.7485631 1.3663038
## Std. Errors:
##                     (Intercept)  dem_pid3    hetero
## Somewhat disapprove   0.1142644 0.1367009 0.1573080
## Somewhat approve      0.1289659 0.1573176 0.1694963
## Strongly approve      0.1690699 0.1971818 0.1754176
## Residual Deviance: 2339.426 
## AIC: 2357.426
predict <- effect("hetero", se=TRUE, mod = model, confidence.level = 0.95, xlevels=list(hetero=c(-1,-0.6666667,-0.5000000,-0.3333333,0.0000000,0.3333333,0.5000000,0.6666667,1.0000000)))
predict <- data.frame(predict)

# Reshape Probabilities

fit <- predict[,1:5]
lower <- predict[,c(1,18:21)]
upper <- predict[,c(1,22:25)]

colnames(fit) <- c("hetero","fit.Strongly Disapprove","fit.Somewhat Disapprove","fit.Somewhat Approve","fit.Strongly Approve")
fit <- reshape(fit,idvar="hetero",varying=c("fit.Strongly Disapprove","fit.Somewhat Disapprove","fit.Somewhat Approve","fit.Strongly Approve"),se=".",timevar="approval",times=c("Strongly Disapprove","Somewhat Disapprove","Somewhat Approve","Strongly Approve"),direction="long")

colnames(lower) <- c("hetero","lower.Strongly Disapprove","lower.Somewhat Disapprove","lower.Somewhat Approve","lower.Strongly Approve")
lower <- reshape(lower,idvar="hetero",varying=c("lower.Strongly Disapprove","lower.Somewhat Disapprove","lower.Somewhat Approve","lower.Strongly Approve"),se=".",timevar="approval",times=c("Strongly Disapprove","Somewhat Disapprove","Somewhat Approve","Strongly Approve"),direction="long")

colnames(upper) <- c("hetero","upper.Strongly Disapprove","upper.Somewhat Disapprove","upper.Somewhat Approve","upper.Strongly Approve")
upper <- reshape(upper,idvar="hetero",varying=c("upper.Strongly Disapprove","upper.Somewhat Disapprove","upper.Somewhat Approve","upper.Strongly Approve"),se=".",timevar="approval",times=c("Strongly Disapprove","Somewhat Disapprove","Somewhat Approve","Strongly Approve"),direction="long")

predict <- merge(fit,upper,by=c("hetero","approval"))
predict <- merge(predict,lower,by=c("hetero","approval"))

predict$approval <- factor(predict$approval,levels=c("Strongly Disapprove","Somewhat Disapprove","Somewhat Approve","Strongly Approve"))

ggplot(data= predict, mapping=aes(x=hetero, y=fit)) + geom_line(aes(x = hetero, y = fit), size = 0.50) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha = .2) + scale_colour_manual("",values="black") + scale_fill_manual("",values="grey12") + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1,1), breaks=c(-1,0,1), labels=c("GOP", "Neutral","Dem"), "Partisan Network Homogenity") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,0.70), breaks=seq(0,0.70,0.10), "Predicted Probability of Presidential Approval") + geom_rug(data=cces, aes(x=hetero, y=1),color = "gray30", alpha=.5, size = 0.25, position='jitter') + ggtitle("Probability of Approving of President Obama by Partisan Network Homogenity") + facet_wrap(~approval, ncol = 2, scales = "free_y") 

The results of the multinomial logit model are stirking. After accounting for a respondent’s partisanship, being in a social network full of Democrats lowers the probability of disapproving of Obama relative to all other categories of approval. Moreover, being in a political social network full of Democrats increases the probability of approval relative to all other categories of approval. This is one way in which you can specify a multinomial logit, extract the estimates, and use \(\texttt{ggplot}\) to articulate the results.

Short Introduction into ggplot add-ons for plotting Maps & Networks

We can also use \(\texttt{ggplot}\) to make nice maps and convey the structure of social networks. Let’s start with making a map of 2016 presidential approval by state. These data are dynamic MRP estimates derived from the 2016 CCES sample. For more information on how to estimate group-level political attitudes using dynamic MRP model estimation, see Caughey & Warshaw 2015.

For this exercise, we need to load a shapefile into R.

# Load the shapefile that has the data to plot maps in ggplot!
# Let's play around with mapping

# Load the shapefile that has the data to plot maps in ggplot!


state_shp <- readOGR("/Users/caalgara/Desktop/carlos_school/PhD_UC Davis/Research/Data/American Politics/US House_District_Shape_Files/cb_2016_us_state_20m.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/caalgara/Desktop/carlos_school/PhD_UC Davis/Research/Data/American Politics/US House_District_Shape_Files/cb_2016_us_state_20m.shp", layer: "cb_2016_us_state_20m"
## with 52 features
## It has 9 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  ALAND AWATER
# Let's explore the data embedded in the shape file

as_tibble(state_shp@data) # Dataframe embedded in the Spatial Polygons Data Frame
## # A tibble: 52 × 9
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>       <chr> <chr>  <chr>            <chr> <chr> <chr> 
##  1 23      01779787 0400000US23 23    ME     Maine            00    7988… 11748…
##  2 15      01779782 0400000US15 15    HI     Hawaii           00    1663… 11777…
##  3 04      01779777 0400000US04 04    AZ     Arizona          00    2941… 10273…
##  4 05      00068085 0400000US05 05    AR     Arkansas         00    1347… 29601…
##  5 10      01779781 0400000US10 10    DE     Delaware         00    5047… 13987…
##  6 13      01705317 0400000US13 13    GA     Georgia          00    1491… 47411…
##  7 27      00662849 0400000US27 27    MN     Minnesota        00    2062… 18929…
##  8 02      01785533 0400000US02 02    AK     Alaska           00    1477… 24539…
##  9 06      01779778 0400000US06 06    CA     California       00    4035… 20466…
## 10 11      01702382 0400000US11 11    DC     District of Col… 00    1583… 18633…
## # ℹ 42 more rows
as_tibble(state_shp@data$NAME) # What type of states are in the file? We don't want territories!
## # A tibble: 52 × 1
##    value               
##    <chr>               
##  1 Maine               
##  2 Hawaii              
##  3 Arizona             
##  4 Arkansas            
##  5 Delaware            
##  6 Georgia             
##  7 Minnesota           
##  8 Alaska              
##  9 California          
## 10 District of Columbia
## # ℹ 42 more rows
state_shp <- subset(state_shp,state_shp@data$NAME != "Puerto Rico")
state_shp <- subset(state_shp,state_shp@data$NAME != "Alaska")
state_shp <- subset(state_shp,state_shp@data$NAME != "Hawaii")
state_shp <- subset(state_shp,state_shp@data$NAME != "District of Columbia")

# Preliminary look at our map

ggplot(state_shp, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + geom_polygon(fill = "gray", color = "black") + theme_void() + coord_equal() + coord_fixed(1.3)

Now that we have successfully loaded our shapefile containing our mapping data into R, let’s merge some state presidential approval data and make a map showing the spatial variation in approval for President Barack Obama in 2016.

state_pres_approval <- read.dta13("/Users/caalgara/Desktop/carlos_school/PhD_UC Davis/Dissertation Project/Ch2_Electoral_Implications_Approval/MRP_Estimation/state_presidential_approval_dynamic_mrp_estimates.dta") # Load the data

as_tibble(state_pres_approval) # Get a glimpse of the data structure. These are Dynamic MRP state-level estimates (see: Caughey & Warshaw (2015) for technical details on the Dynamic MRP model) of presidential approval from 2008-2017. 
## # A tibble: 510 × 8
##    param     state  year  mean     sd median q_025 q_975
##    <chr>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 theta_bar AK     2008 0.396 0.0549  0.403 0.309 0.490
##  2 theta_bar AK     2009 0.443 0.0403  0.449 0.376 0.495
##  3 theta_bar AK     2010 0.403 0.0583  0.415 0.314 0.471
##  4 theta_bar AK     2011 0.413 0.0526  0.418 0.329 0.477
##  5 theta_bar AK     2012 0.462 0.0654  0.475 0.365 0.536
##  6 theta_bar AK     2013 0.400 0.0451  0.411 0.330 0.457
##  7 theta_bar AK     2014 0.403 0.0532  0.400 0.324 0.467
##  8 theta_bar AK     2015 0.421 0.0531  0.414 0.334 0.498
##  9 theta_bar AK     2016 0.495 0.0538  0.503 0.411 0.559
## 10 theta_bar AK     2017 0.434 0.0482  0.443 0.368 0.512
## # ℹ 500 more rows
# Explore map making descriptives. Let's make a plot of presidential approval for December 2017.

# Make a percentage

state_pres_approval$state_pres_approval_percent <- state_pres_approval$median * 100

as_tibble(state_pres_approval) # Check to see if it worked. Clearly it did!
## # A tibble: 510 × 9
##    param     state  year  mean     sd median q_025 q_975 state_pres_approval_p…¹
##    <chr>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>                   <dbl>
##  1 theta_bar AK     2008 0.396 0.0549  0.403 0.309 0.490                    40.3
##  2 theta_bar AK     2009 0.443 0.0403  0.449 0.376 0.495                    44.9
##  3 theta_bar AK     2010 0.403 0.0583  0.415 0.314 0.471                    41.5
##  4 theta_bar AK     2011 0.413 0.0526  0.418 0.329 0.477                    41.8
##  5 theta_bar AK     2012 0.462 0.0654  0.475 0.365 0.536                    47.5
##  6 theta_bar AK     2013 0.400 0.0451  0.411 0.330 0.457                    41.1
##  7 theta_bar AK     2014 0.403 0.0532  0.400 0.324 0.467                    40.0
##  8 theta_bar AK     2015 0.421 0.0531  0.414 0.334 0.498                    41.4
##  9 theta_bar AK     2016 0.495 0.0538  0.503 0.411 0.559                    50.3
## 10 theta_bar AK     2017 0.434 0.0482  0.443 0.368 0.512                    44.3
## # ℹ 500 more rows
## # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​state_pres_approval_percent
approval_2016 <- subset(state_pres_approval,state_pres_approval$year == 2016) # Subet our data

# Let's merge our data onto the map!

approval_2016 <- subset(approval_2016,select=c("state","state_pres_approval_percent"))

state_shp@data$id <- rownames(state_shp@data)
state_shp.points <- fortify(state_shp, region="id")

state_shp.df <- join(state_shp.points, state_shp@data, by="id")
state_shp.df$state <- as.character(state_shp.df$STUSPS)

state_shp.df <- merge(state_shp.df,approval_2016,by=c("state"))

ggplot(state_shp.df, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group,fill=state_pres_approval_percent),color="white") + geom_polygon(color = "black") + theme_void() + scale_fill_gradient("Presidential Approval",low = 'red', high = 'blue') + ggtitle("Presidential Approval in the U.S. States, 2016")  + coord_equal() + coord_fixed(1.3)

As one can see, we have some pretty good face validity with our MRP estimates. First, President Obama is popular where you would expect him to be in states such as California, New York, and Vermont. Moreover, he is chronically unpopular where you would expect him to be, in states such as West Virginia and Idaho.

We can also use R to create social network graphs. In the following example, we will visualize the cosponsorship network on programmatic issues in the 113th United States Senate. Let’s explore our data.


as_tibble(x) # This network data is in dyadic form, where each row indicates a pair of Senators.
## # A tibble: 4,802 × 43
##    state_senator_j state_senator_i senator_j senator_i number_cosponsored_bill…¹
##    <chr>           <chr>               <int>     <int>                     <int>
##  1 AK              AL                   1898      1548                        22
##  2 AK              AL                   1898      1049                         9
##  3 AK              AL                   1694      1548                        28
##  4 AK              AL                   1694      1049                        13
##  5 AK              AR                   1898      1687                        43
##  6 AK              AR                   1694      1701                        37
##  7 AK              AR                   1898      1701                        54
##  8 AK              AR                   1694      1687                        47
##  9 AK              AZ                   1694      1633                        22
## 10 AK              AZ                   1694       754                        27
## # ℹ 4,792 more rows
## # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​number_cosponsored_bills_programmatic
## # ℹ 38 more variables: congress <int>, icpsr_id_senator_i <int>,
## #   NameFull_senator_i <chr>, Class_senator_i <int>, Party_senator_i <int>,
## #   ComC_senator_i <int>, ComR_senator_i <int>, DW1_senator_i <dbl>,
## #   Gender_senator_i <int>, Majority_senator_i <int>,
## #   bioguide_id_senator_i <chr>, seniority_num_of_congresses_senator_i <int>, …
adj <-[,c(8,21,43)],directed=T) # Let's create a network object! What we want to extract is a dataframe where the first column is Senator i, the second column is Senator J, and the last column is a binary variable indicating
adj <- get.adjacency(adj,attr='edge',sparse=FALSE) # Convert the edge list to an adjacency matrix
x_ergm <- network(adj, matrix.type = "adjacency", ignore.eval = FALSE,directed = F,weighted = F,names.eval="edge") # Convert the adjacency matrix to a network object

# Now let's create some attributes and load them on the network object!

y <- x[,c(8,10,2)]
y1 <- x[,c(21,23,1)]
colnames(y) <- c("NameFull_senator","Party_senator","State_senator")
colnames(y1) <- c("NameFull_senator","Party_senator","State_senator")
party <- rbind(y,y1)
party$Party_senator <- ifelse(party$Party_senator == 200, "R",ifelse(party$Party_senator == 100, "D",NA))
party <- data.table(party)
party <-  party[, duplicates := 1:.N , by = c("NameFull_senator")]
party <- subset(party,party$duplicates == 1)
party <- data.frame(party)
party$duplicates <- NULL
##  [1] "Jefferson Sessions" "Richard Shelby"     "John Boozman"      
##  [4] "Mark Pryor"         "Jeff Flake"         "John McCain"       
##  [7] "Dianne Feinstein"   "Barbara Boxer"      "Michael Bennet"    
## [10] "Mark Udall"         "Richard Blumenthal" "Christopher Murphy"
## [13] "Thomas Carper"      "Chris Coons"        "Marco Rubio"       
## [16] "Bill Nelson"        "John Isakson"       "Saxby Chambliss"   
## [19] "Brian Schatz"       "Mazie Hirono"       "Charles Grassley"  
## [22] "Thomas Harkin"      "James Risch"        "Michael Crapo"     
## [25] "Richard Durbin"     "Mark Kirk"          "Daniel Coats"      
## [28] "Joe Donnelly"       "Jerry Moran"        "Pat Roberts"       
## [31] "Rand Paul"          "Mitch McConnell"    "David Vitter"      
## [34] "Mary Landrieu"      "Elizabeth Warren"   "Benjamin Cardin"   
## [37] "Barbara Mikulski"   "Susan Collins"      "Angus King"        
## [40] "Debbie Stabenow"    "Carl Levin"         "Amy Klobuchar"     
## [43] "Alan Franken"       "Roy Blunt"          "Claire McCaskill"  
## [46] "Thad Cochran"       "Roger Wicker"       "Max Baucus"        
## [49] "Jon Tester"         "Kay Hagan"          "Richard Burr"      
## [52] "John Hoeven"        "Heidi Heitkamp"     "Deb Fischer"       
## [55] "Mike Johanns"       "Jeanne Shaheen"     "Kelly Ayotte"      
## [58] "Robert Menendez"    "Frank Lautenberg"   "Tom Udall"         
## [61] "Martin Heinrich"    "Harry Reid"         "Dean Heller"       
## [64] "Charles Schumer"    "Kirsten Gillibrand" "Robert Portman"    
## [67] "Sherrod Brown"      "Thomas Coburn"      "James Inhofe"      
## [70] "Ron Wyden"          "Jeff Merkley"       "Patrick Toomey"    
## [73] "Robert Casey"       "Sheldon Whitehouse" "John Reed"         
## [76] "Lindsey Graham"     "Tim Scott"          "Tim Johnson"       
## [79] "John Thune"         "Lamar Alexander"    "Bob Corker"        
## [82] "John Cornyn"        "Ted Cruz"           "Orrin Hatch"       
## [85] "Mike Lee"           "Timothy Kaine"      "Mark Warner"       
## [88] "Bernard Sanders"    "Patrick Leahy"      "Maria Cantwell"    
## [91] "Patty Murray"       "Ron Johnson"        "Tammy Baldwin"     
## [94] "John Rockefeller"   "Joe Manchin"        "Michael Enzi"      
## [97] "John Barrasso"      "Mark Begich"        "Lisa Murkowski"
x_ergm%v%'party'<- party$Party_senator # Merge the party attributes for each Senator!
x_ergm%v%'state'<- party$State_senator # Merge the state attributes for each Senator!
x_ergm%v%"color" = ifelse(x_ergm%v%"party" == "R", "red", "blue") # Create color indicators!

Now, let’s create three network graphs using various labels for our nodes!

ggnet2(x_ergm, label = "state", color = "grey15", label.color = "color",alpha = 0, size = 0, edge.alpha = 0.5,mode = "kamadakawai",label.size = 3) + ggtitle("113th U.S. Senate Particularistic Cosponsorship Network")

ggnet2(x_ergm, label = "vertex.names", color = "grey15", label.color = "color",alpha = 0, size = 0, edge.alpha = 0.5,mode = "kamadakawai",label.size = 3) + ggtitle("113th U.S. Senate Particularistic Cosponsorship Network")

ggnet2(x_ergm, color = "color", alpha = 0.75, size = 4, edge.alpha = 0.5,vjust = -0.6,mode = "kamadakawai") + ggtitle("113th U.S. Senate Particularistic Cosponsorship Network")